Self-adhesive elastic radiation protective coatings



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Elastic self-adhesive radiation protective coatings with high adhesive strength to various substrates have been developed and can be applied to surfaces of any shape. In terms of radiation protection properties, they surpass foreign analogues by 15–35% barite-containing at an energy of 0.059 MeV, by 8%, 30% and even 200% tungsten-containing at an energy of 0.661 MeV. In terms of cost, tungsten-containing materials are 2–3 times cheaper than foreign analogues, and barite materials are 67–109 times cheaper than foreign analogues, and 2–3.5 times cheaper than domestic ones. With an absorbed radiation dose of 2.62.107 Gy (threshold value of 105 Gy), they retain radiation-protective properties and have minor damage.

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Sobre autores

V. Rimshin

Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS; National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor

Rússia, 21 Lokomotivny proezd, Moscow, 127238; 26 Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337

V. Cherkasov

National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev


Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

Rússia, 68 Bolshevistskaya Street, Saransk, 430005

D. Cherkasov

National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev


Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Rússia, 68 Bolshevistskaya Street, Saransk, 430005

V. Savin

Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS


Doctor of Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAACS

Rússia, 21 Lokomotivny proezd, Moscow, 127238


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Diagram of the laboratory installation: ОЧГ – germanium detector; МАА – multichannel analyzer; ПК – personal computer

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3. Fig. 2. Dependence of the adhesive strength (1) and the coefficient of linear attenuation of radiation (2 – for an energy of 0.059 MeV; 3 – for an energy of 0.661 MeV) on the amount of filler

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4. Fig. 3. The value of the linear absorption coefficient of fillers at their volume content in the composite of 50% by volume: а – E=0.059 MeV; b – E=0.661 MeV: 1 – calculated; 2 – experimental

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5. Fig. 4. Efficiency of fillers at their volume content in the composite of 50% by volume: а – E=0.059 MeV; b – E=0.661 MeV: 1 – calculated; 2 – experimental

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