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Nº 1-2 (2024)


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К юбилею кафедры строительных материалов, стандартизации, сертификации НГАСУ (Сибстрин)

Mechanical-Chemical Activation of Cement-Sand Stone for Reuse in Construction

Simonov P., Storozhenko G., Rakov M., Manzyrykchy H.


In modern construction concrete recycling is one of the promising directions of utilization of multi-tonnage concrete and reinforced concrete waste. Most often concrete crushing products are reused as coarse and fine aggregate. It is shown in the paper that reuse of the dusty fraction of cement-sand stone as an active colloidal additive obtained by its alkaline mechanical-chemical activation allows to partially replace cement in commercial concrete and hydraulically hardening compositions without loss of their strength. This paper presents the results of the effect of colloidal admixture on technological and physical-mechanical properties of concrete mixture.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Changing the Technological Properties and Strength Characteristics of Highly Mobile Concrete by Introducing a Complex Modifier

Ilina L., Berdov G., Vishnyakov N., Tsekar D.


The article considers the effect of a complex modifier consisting of a superplasticizer and cement crystallohydrates on the properties of cement dough, a highly mobile concrete mixture and heavy concrete obtained by hardening the mixture under normal conditions over a different period of time. As an additive of the superplasticizer, Relamix-PK was studied, administered in an amount of 0.6–0.8 wt. % of cement consumption. The authors investigated finely dispersed hydrated cement as additional crystallization centers. With the introduction of this complex modifier, the delamination of a highly mobile concrete mixture decreases (water separation – by 2 times, water separation – by 3.8 times). There is a significant acceleration of hardening in the initial periods of concrete hardening. Thus, in relation to the additive–free composition, the strength of concrete, which hardened for 1 day under normal conditions, increased 3.5 times, 3 days – 2.5 times, 28 days – 2 times. At the same time, it should be noted that when cement crystallohydrates are added, the hardening process is accelerated more in the initial terms of strength gain. The greatest strengthening effect was obtained by adding a complex modifier consisting of 0.8% plasticizer and 2% hydrated cement.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Technological Aspects of Ensuring the Quality of Protective Coatings of Building Metal Structures

Pichugin A., Hritankov V., Pchelnikov A.


This article discusses issues related to the development of technological solutions designed to obtain protective paint and varnish coatings with high operational resistance for building metal structures. The developed technological map and scheme for creating nanostructured paint and varnish coatings on the surfaces of building metal structures are presented. These proposals complement the comprehensive approach to the development of protective paint and varnish coatings, consisting of methodological, technological and formulation solutions, and presented in other studies by the authors, which allows for its effective use in paint and varnish industry enterprises. The research results, based on the application of the developed solutions in laboratory and operational conditions, confirm the high efficiency of the developed integrated approach. Assessment of the quality of coatings in laboratory conditions showed that coating samples after 100 hours of thermal exposure retain high properties that meet the operating conditions of building metal structures. As part of production testing, it was established that the service life of nanostructured coatings increases by 1.5–2.6 times compared to traditional coatings. In this regard, the costs of repair and restoration of coatings are reduced, and their service life between repairs is increased. The introduction of the developed solutions into production will solve the problem of low operational durability of protective paint and varnish coatings of steel building metal structures operated under various influences.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Материалы для дорожного строительства

Risks of Using Slag Aggregates in Concrete Products for Road Construction

Kolomoitsev N., Makaeva A.


When GOST 17608 and GOST 6665 were republished, the authors prohibited the use of slag fillers, so manufacturers of products produced according to these standards have a problem: the use of only natural inert materials will lead to an increase in the cost of the final product. At the same time, however, this should lead to an improvement in the quality of manufactured products. But is it so? This article presents a comparative analysis of standards for fillers of natural origin and from metallurgical production waste in order to identify the reasons that do not allow the use of slag aggregates in concrete products for road construction. It was determined that most of the requirements for aggregates of both natural and man-made origin are the same, i.e. if the manufacturers observe and fulfill the requirements of the standards for slag aggregates, there should be no risk of reducing the quality of the final product. Then why the developers of GOST 17608 and GOST 6665, excluding from the list of aggregates for concrete materials according to GOST 3344–83 do not give an alternative in the form of aggregates according to GOST 5578–2019. The authors of the article have tried to reveal the answer to this question.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Comparative Analysis of Asphalt Forming Processes Based on Finely Dispersed Expanded Clay Powders

Kazaryan S., Borisenko Y., Yagubov M., Shuhaib K.


The features of the structure formation of an asphalt binder modified with a highly dispersed expanded clay powder are investigated. The viscosity of the modified asphalt binder and the formation of an adsorption layer of bitumen on the surface of the particles of the mineral component at various degrees of filling in the temperature range of 100–180oC have been studied. The effect of the impact of expanded clay powder on the adsorption activity of bitumen, the adhesive strength of bitumen with a mineral filler and on the adhesion of an asphalt binder with a mineral filler is analyzed. It was revealed that the interaction of bitumen with highly dispersed expanded clay powder significantly increases the viscosity of the asphalt binder and increases the thickness of the bitumen film on the surface of mineral particles at all process temperatures compared with standard limestone mineral powder, which is determined by the processes of selective diffusion of low-molecular hydrocarbons into the particles of expanded clay powder occurring when combined with the binder. Modification of the asphalt binder with expanded clay powder significantly increases its adsorption activity and adhesion of bitumen to mineral aggregate and adhesive strength at the interface of the «filler–bitumen» phases. This is due not only to physical interaction, but also to the presence of an increased number of active surface adsorption centers of Lewis and Brensted on the surface of expanded clay particles, which indicates the formation of chemical bonds.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):36-40
pages 36-40 views

Modern concretes

Application of Blast Furnace Granulated Slag for Self-Healing Bio-Concretes

Chernykh T., Gorbachevskikh K., Komelkova M., Platkovskiy P., Kriushin M., Orlov A.


The properties of fine-grained concrete containing 20–80% granulated blast furnace slag and bacteria species Bacillus Subtilis have been studied. An assessment was made of changes in strength, self-healing of cracks using optical and electron microscopy and measuring the speed of ultrasound propagation perpendicular to the crack plane; composition and characteristics of the healing agent in cracks using X-ray analysis methods. Self-healing of cracks in concrete without bacteria occurred due to calcite deposition as a result of carbonation of portlandite during 50–65 cycles of humidification-drying, and in the presence of Bacillus Subtilis bacteria due to calcite deposition during their vital activity in 10–15 cycles. It is shown that the addition of granulated blast furnace slag slows down the crystallization of calcite, which forms a healing substance in the crack. It is assumed that the combined use of granulated blast furnace slag in dosages of 40–80% and Bacillus Subtilis bacteria in concrete structures operating under conditions of variable humidification can ensure the process of self-healing cracks and maintaining the strength of concrete in the long term due to simultaneous processes of strengthening the structure due to prolonged hydration of slag minerals and calcite deposition in cracks due to the vital activity of Bacillus Subtilis bacteria.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Features of the Behavior of Highly Frost-Resistant Modified Concretes

Shuldyakov K., Butakova M., Mordovtseva M., Zimakov K.


One of the main criteria of construction is reliability and durability. Therefore, for the implementation of modern construction projects, especially in harsh operating conditions, cement composites with increased resistance to aggressive external cyclic influences are necessary. For the climatic conditions of the Russian Federation, special attention should be paid to ensuring the frost resistance of concrete. Thus, in accordance with GOST 31384–2017 “Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion. General technical requirements”, for the lowest temperature and under the condition of alternating freezing and thawing of concrete in a saturated state, the frost resistance mark must be at least F2450. In addition, high mechanical characteristics of the materials used, including the modulus of elasticity, are required, for example, in the construction of infrastructure facilities in the Arctic zone of Russia. To ensure these characteristics, effective modifying additives must be introduced into the concrete mix. However, there is evidence in the literature that water-reducing additives of various genesis, with similar values of water reduction, have different effects on the structure of the formed cement stone. Therefore, in order to ensure high durability of concrete, this article will consider the relationship between the emerging structure of cement stone in concrete and its resistance parameters.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):49-52
pages 49-52 views

Features of Hardening of Aluminosilicophosphate Binder in Cellular Concrete

Abyzov V., Posadnova N.


Cellular phosphate concretes are used as an insulating material for some high-temperature aggregates due to their high temperature resistance, fire resistance and residual strength at the level of values after drying. The use of industrial waste in phosphate cellular concrete technology made it possible to improve some properties without reducing the application temperature. The paper shows that dispersed aluminosilicate waste from refractory production has sufficient activity (porization ability) to obtain a phosphate binder. The features of the hardening of an aluminosilicophosphate binder cured with dispersed metallic aluminum have been studied; the change in the phase composition of the cured binder after firing at different temperatures has been studied by differential thermal and X-ray phase analysis. It has been established that the developed aluminosilicophosphate binder makes it possible to obtain fireclay cellular concrete with an application temperature of up to 1400оC. A comparison of the changes in the phase composition for the developed aluminosilicophosphate composition and a pure aluminophosphate binder is performed. A shift in the temperature of the processes is noted in an upward direction for the aluminosilicophosphate binder, which is explained by the fact that silicon ions do not form independent phosphate compounds, but are embedded in the crystal lattice of aluminophosphates, changing their properties and shifting the intervals of phase transitions.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Granite Crushing Screenings as a Component Factor in the Concrete Structure Formation. Part II: Experimental Studies of Structure-forming Potential

Makeev A.


The paper considers the results of experimental studies of the individual and joint influence of macro-, meso- and micro-nanofractions of granite crushing screenings on the processes of structure formation and properties of cement concrete. It has been established that in the processes of formation of the structure of fine-grained concrete and the potential for resistance to its destruction, all fractions of stone crushing screenings perform their specific functions as a component factor. Macro-sized (crushed stone) grains of screening of the 5–10 mm fraction form a macro-scale frame of the addition system, which perceives force load with the accumulation of loading energy and braking of main cracks. Sand mesoparticles of fraction 0.16–5 mm fill the intergranular space of the system for adding macroparticles with dissipation of external loading energy in the matrix material. The microfraction of granite crushing screenings (the fraction is <0.16 mm), along with the effect of replacing the volume of cement stone, exhibits physical and chemical activity in the phase formation of hydrate compounds. It is shown that in the initial screening of granite crushing, the structure-forming role of its particles is not manifested effectively enough, the main reason for which is the “excess” of sand fractions, which push apart the grains of macrofractions and increase the water demand of the concrete mixture. Traditional methods of enriching screenings do not solve this problem. The principle of conditioning screenings by saturating them with macro- and micro-sized fractions is discussed. Based on this principle, a technology for mechanical processing of screenings has been developed to produce a “line” of products for targeted use in the building materials and products industry. The introduction of such technology will significantly increase the efficiency of construction and technological recycling of stone crushing screenings through maximum use of the structure-forming potential of their polydisperse composition.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Nodes of Experimental Installations for Testing Concrete for Creep

Arleninov P., Krylov S., Konin D., Neschadimov V.


Installations of the mid-twentieth century for testing concrete for creep, as a rule, have significant wear and are not intended for testing new concrete. To carry out testing of modern high-strength concrete, their modernization and retrofitting is required. Due to the lack of standard technical solutions, design and survey work is required in preparation for testing. The purpose of the presented study was to study the nodes and elements of spring installations for determining the creep of concrete and to establish the possibility of their use under increased loads, to modernize installations for the possibility of testing samples of various lengths without complete disassembly, to ensure safety during such tests. To determine the strength and stiffness parameters of the springs, it was necessary to conduct two-stage tests with the development of special equipment. Also, according to the results of the evaluation of the hinge assemblies for axial load transfer to the sample, their replacement with a change in design solutions was required. According to the results of experimental studies, individual springs and thrust hinge elements were fragilely destroyed, in connection with which a hinge assembly of a new design was developed, changes have been made to the design of the installation to ensure the physical protection of maintenance personnel, a modular system of steel spacers with protection against horizontal movement has been developed, which makes it possible to test samples of different lengths on existing installations without changing the configuration of the installations themselves. An important result of the work is the proposed system of double experimental control, when first a random test of individual elements is carried out to assess the possible level of loads on the equipment, then a continuous control of the already assembled test installations is carried out for large loads relative to the planned experiment. Only in this case it is possible to simultaneously ensure high reliability of the results obtained during testing, reliability and durability of the equipment. Moreover, it is impossible to carry out such work only numerically without testing, as practice has shown.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):67-73
pages 67-73 views

Mechanics of Durability of Structural Concrete: a New Approach to the Phenomenon of Degradation. Part 1. Shrinkage

Leonovich S.


Concrete is a material widely used in construction works and buildings that support people’s lives. The operability of concrete structures can be maintained for a long time if such structures are properly designed and built. The article proposes a new approach to the mechanics of durability to establish a systematic prediction and assessment of the be- havior of reinforced concrete structures depending on time. The chemical and mechanical wear of cement materials over time due to chemical reactions, environmental effects and external loads is described by physico-chemical models of reaction, transfer, destruction and their compounds. In addition, the operability of concrete structures over time is discussed. The outlines of several representative research projects on the mechanics of durability are presented.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Modified Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Concrete for 3DCP

Mukhametrakhimov R., Rakhimov R., Galautdinov A., Ziganshina L.


3D concrete printing (3DCP) is an innovative and promising method for constructing buildings and structures. Compositions of fine-grained concrete based on Portland cement are widely used as raw material mixtures in this technology. An alternative to the use of cement binder is the use of gypsum-cement-pozzolan binder, which can significantly reduce the cost of the finished product and, accordingly, increase its competitiveness. The raw material mixtures based on gypsum-cement-pozzolan binder presented on the construction market do not fully meet the requirements of 3DCP. Achieving optimal performance of gypsum-cement-pozzolan mixtures in 3DCP is possible by regulating the content of fine aggregate in the composition of fine-grained concrete, as well as the use of multicomponent modifying additives. The purpose of this work is to develop modified gypsum-cement-pozzolan concretes for 3DCP based on optimization of aggregate content and multifunctional additive, providing optimal rheotechnological properties of raw mixtures and technological characteristics of finished products. The formation of samples during experimental studies was carried out using the layer-by-layer extrusion method on a workshop construction 3D printer “AMT S-6044”. Modified gypsum-cement-pozzolan concretes have been developed for 3DCP with increased ultimate shear stress of the mixture (87.6 Pa), dimensional stability (23 cm), average composite density (1920 g/m3), flexural strength (8.4 MPa) and compression (30.6 MPa) and water resistance (0.85). The possibility of targeted regulation of the structure and properties of gypsum-cement-pozzolan mixtures and concrete due to the synergistic effect of the components of the developed multifunctional complex additive, including an aqueous solution of a polycarboxylate ether, a copolymer based on carboxylic acid esters, and a homogeneous mixture of oligoethoxysiloxanes, has been proven. The results obtained are consistent with the results of the differential thermal analysis of modified gypsum-cement-pozzolanic stone.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):79-88
pages 79-88 views

On the Issue of Ensuring the Durability of Products and Structures Made of High-Strength Concrete to Explosive Destruction

Akhtyamov R., Ahmed’yanov R., Gamaliy E., Averina G.


Fire safety procedures are an integral part of the design process of civil and industrial construction facilities. When carrying out design calculations, up-to-date reference data on the resistance of known types of building materials to the effects of open fire and elevated temperatures are used. However, modification of the compositions and properties of such materials may cause changes in their behavior in fire conditions. Thus, new types of high-strength concretes based on Portland cement in practice have shown a tendency to explosive destruction, which significantly affects the reliability of the simulation results of their resistance to prolonged and short-term exposure to elevated temperatures. The presented work provides an overview and assessment of the current state of the issue of ensuring fire safety of structures made of high-strength concrete, additional measures are proposed to improve the existing algorithms for determining their fire resistance.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):90-94
pages 90-94 views

XVI International Congress on Cement Chemistry – “Further Decarbonization and Circular Production and the Use of Cement and Concrete”

Rahimova N., Rahimov R.


One of the authors is a participant in the XVI International Congress on Cement Chemistry (ICCC 2023), which was held in Bangkok (Thailand) on September 18–22, 2023 under the motto “Further decarbonization and recycling production and application of cement and concrete.” Statistical data, thematic areas of the congress are presented and some reports are presented, the content of which may be of most interest to Russian specialists.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):95-99
pages 95-99 views

Analysis of Properties of Polymer Composites with Various Types of Fillers

Yerofeyev V., Afonin V., Zotkina M., Stenechkin K., Tyuryakhina T., Lazarev A.


The processes of structure formation of composite building materials (KSM) on different polymer binders are presented. It is shown that one of the most significant components of KSM are fillers, which help to improve their structural and operational characteristics. This work is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experimental study of the properties of epoxy composites with fillers having various elastic-plastic and strength properties. The research was carried out in three stages: at the first stage, studies were conducted aimed at assessing the influence of the nature of the filler on the curing processes of KSM; at the second, the influence of the type of filler and its quantitative content on the strength of composites was established, at the third, compositions were optimized using fillers with different indicators of grain composition and elastic-plastic properties. Powders of glass, dolomite, thermolite, and diatomite were considered as fillers at the first and second stages of the research, and powders of glass, ceramics, and chalk were considered at the second stage. The research at the third stage was carried out using mathematical methods of experiment planning with the construction of a planning matrix for a complete factor experiment and the determination of the values of the response functions relative to the encoded factors. The physico-mechanical properties, degree of curing, and chemical resistance of filled epoxy CCM have been established. On the basis of artificial neural networks, the maximum properties of the studied composites with fillers were determined. An assessment of structural properties based on rank correlation is also proposed. The results of the research can be used to predict the properties of KSM, as well as to clarify the extreme parameters of the properties. The dependences of changes in the properties of polymer composites on the surface characteristics, the dispersion of fillers and the degree of filling were established; preferred fillers for epoxy composites were determined; fillers were determined to assess the effect of elastic surface properties of composites, allowing to improve the strength and deformability of polymer composites; regression models were obtained based on a complete factorial experiment; an assessment of the «structural stability» of the studied composites using Pearson, Kendall, Spearman rank correlation; On the basis of artificial neural networks, the extreme properties of the studied composites with fillers were determined, neural networks.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):100-109
pages 100-109 views

The Effect of Additives Regulating the Setting Time on the Resistance of Chloromagnesial Composites to Cracking During Prolonged Water Saturation

Averina G., Koshelev V., Kramar L.


The resistance of chloromagnesial composites to prolonged water saturation is determined by the softening coefficient and the tendency to cracking. Technological methods for preventing the cracking of a magnesia binder stone in contact with water have a number of disadvantages, in particular, related to their difficult reproducibility in production conditions. This study is devoted to the search for additives that make it possible to regulate the processes of structure formation of chloro-magnesial composites in order to form predominantly stable phases evenly distributed in volume during prolonged saturation with water. In the course of the work, standard methods were used to study the properties of dough and astringent stone, as well as microcalorimetry. As a result, it was found that the addition of sodium tripolyphosphate significantly slows down the setting time of the chloromagnesial composition, but eliminates the tendency of the artificial stone obtained from it to crack during prolonged water saturation.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):110-114
pages 110-114 views

Construction with Slate – Quick Solution to the Country’s Housing Problems

Nejman S., Punenkov S.


General information about the state of the chrysotile cement industry in Russia and in the world since the beginning of the XX century and changes in recent decades is presented. The most intensive development of the industry is noted in Russia and the countries of the former USSR due to the largest reserves of chrysotile asbestos in these territories. The physical and technical properties of chrysotile cement products, due to which they have many advantages both in terms of operational reliability and economic attractiveness, are given. The high potential of chrysotile-cement materials in construction is justified. It is shown that the frame technology of SOVBI can provide a significant increase in demand for flat chrysotile cement sheets.

Construction Materials. 2024;(1-2):115-120
pages 115-120 views

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