The improvement of the method for the evaluation of the bonding strength between the composite coating and the metal




The bonding strength between the composite coatings and the adhesive systems used to manufacture metallocomposite dentures is estimated using the method regulated by the ISO 10477 standard that dates to October 1, 2004. The authors propose to register the results of the evaluation by measuring the individual real area of polymer detachment from the metal plate instead of the standard area of the composite coating formed using a special template. According to the authors, the real area of the composite detachment does not coincide with the coating area of the manufactured specimens. This discrepancy should be taken into consideration when recording the results because the bonding strength expressed in megapixels (MPa) is a relative quantity depending on the ratio of the applied force in kilograms to the given area. This area was determined by taking microphotographs of the objects using an optical (light) digital microscope and measuring it with the help of a PlanCad graphic editor. The use of the data on the real area of composite detachment from the metal rather that those on the standard area made it possible to improve the accuracy of measurement of the bonding strength between the composite coating and the metal surface.


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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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