The efficacy of the local application of estrogens for the orthopedic treatment of postmenopausal women with theuse of removable laminar dentures




The authors report the results of the comparative analysis of the influence of traditional orthopedic treatment using removable laminar dentures in combination with local estrogen therapy or without it on the prosthetic bed tissues in postmenopausal women; also compared are the time courses of adaptation to the dentures. It was shown that the treatment of women with the use of removable laminar dentures during the postmenopausal period is accompanied by pronounced hypoestrogenism; for this reason, the local application of estrogens significantly enhances the efficacy of therapy compared with the standard orthopedic treatment.


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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
Регистрационный номер и дата принятия решения о регистрации СМИ: серия ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 80635 от 15.03.2021 г
