Methodology clinical and experimental studies of posttraumatic repair maxillary sinus



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The review analyzed the translational approach in the study of apoptosis factors and their importance in the pathology of the injured mucosa of the maxillary sinus (HFI). The injury and subsequent tissue and triggers metabolic changes in the cells of the mucous membrane of apoptotic death, which correlates with the balance of p53 and Bcl-2 immunoreactivity. Disturbance of this balance can affect the efficiency of the regenerative processes in case of damage. Specific pattern of expression of molecular factors of apoptosis is a key in the mechanisms of regeneration and tissue repair. It is emphasized that the study of this phenomenon in the experiment is radically important to keep in understanding post-traumatic reorganization HFI in humans.




Sergey Edranov

"Pacific state medical University" of Ministry of health of Russia

Department of histology 690015, Vladivostok


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